1995 1996 1997 1998 2000 2001 2002 - Federico Carpani & Cecilia Verilli
January 2017
Edition of 250 copies
Box with 70 pairs
140 cards
ISBN 978-88-94895-00-1
Design by Federico Carpani
Text by Erik Kessels
“Playing a traditional memory game is already a difficult game, but this one made by Cecilia Verilli and Federico Carpani challenges really your visual and mental strengths. As the amount of images we see everyday increases, it’s interesting to see what stays with us, whether the world’s visual clutter has affected our ability to look closely, or even if we can recall the subtleties of Verilli’s personal family pictures.
The game is on…”
Erik Kessels
After editing a selection of photographs from Cecilia’s countless family albums, the authors turned the material into a find-the-pair game. Heavily cropped portraits of the young girl together with animals, toys, ice creams, costumes, laughter and tears give a delicate and sincere glimpse into Cecilia’s carefree early years in the italian countryside.
Appealing both to children, vernacular photography enthusiasts, and everyone in between, the game works on two levels, combining the simplicity of looking at images with the complexity of their meaning as a memory. Becoming familiar with the images of this playful project shows a curious tension between leisure and passion: the very feeling of childhood.
The purpose of the game is to make observers play and players observe.
For 2 to 10 players. From 5 to 99 years old.
10 Photobooks on VOGUE
On ASX review by Brad Feuerhelm